About Women in Cyber

WICDay24 team
The Women in Cyber initiative was born 2019, when a group of women from different organisations met and discussed the gender gap in the field of cyber and what they could do about it. The idea was to connect, inspire and shed light on the work and contributions of women who work in cyber but also to find ways to attract women to explore this field and ultimately to increase the number of female cyber professionals. As a consequence, the Women in Cyber Switzerland Association was founded in 2022 and has been pursuing its shared goals ever since.

Our Core Team

The WIC Association is co-organized in a decentralized manner by major cyber players in Switzerland. The core team has decided to do so because they understand the benefit of in working together to achieve real results. Key decisions are taken based on the majority’s preferences. Overall, the group agrees to work together with trust and respect for all involved, with the best interests of the audience in mind.

Being in the Core Team means great commitment and passion for the purpose of the association.

Patricia Egger

Patricia Egger


Portrait Katja Dörlemann

Katja Dörlemann


Sandra Luethi e1708264850888

Sandra Lüthi

National Cyber Security Center NCSC

Favicon Women In Cyber Switzerland

Sara Hosni


Barbara Schlegel e1708264938942

Barbara Schlegel

Trend Micro

Simone Zwyssig e1708264987536

Simone Zwyssig